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The Story Of Income Growth

We are often asked ‘what do you think will happen to the investment markets?’

Many of you will have heard us say that I don’t have a crystall ball!  However when I look at the Australian economy I can’t help but think we are in a very prosperous phase. Full employment, record company profits, strong economic growth, inflation and interest rates under control and a resources sector going ‘gangbusters’.

World events like earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and a Libyan crisis are devastating and attract headlines, but the likes of BHP, CBA, Woolworths simply continue to do well.  With such a framework, we at Muirfield FS have a positive view for the sharemarket and in turn your portfolios.

We see no reason to change your long term strategy at this time and suggest you have a look at the accompanying chart outlining the long term benefits of investing in the Australian sharemarket over term deposits.

The Story Of Income Growth Chart – Click Here To See

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