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Make the most of your time in isolation with these 5 ideas

1. Upskill

For those in the workforce (or retired) wanting to upskill, LinkedIn Learning (previously offers a month’s free trial to more than 14,000 courses for in-demand skills such as software development, data science and leadership. You can also train yourself on popular software applications such as Swift, Apple’s programming language, which allows you to build iPhone and iPad apps. If you’ve ever puzzled over spreadsheets, there are numerous courses on Excel and data analysis. After the free trial, subscriptions start at about $40 a month. General Assembly also offers a range of digital workshops, boot camps and short courses in everything from UX design and front-end web development to copywriting and coding. 

2. Spy on animals at the Royal Melbourne Zoo

Forget productivity. You can waste hours watching the animals at Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo. Zoos Victoria has set up live stream cameras around the grounds so, instead of background TV noise, why not let the zoos’ gorgeous baby snow leopard cubs, lazy lions or hungry giraffes keep you company all day, every day.

3. Enjoy the World’s best art galleries

Further afield, the Paris Louvre has online tours of some of its exhibitions and galleries, including its Egyptian antiquities collection.  In addition, the Uffizi museum and gallery in Florence, Italy, has themed online collections like The Easter Story with artworks on the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ. 

4. Learn a language  

For those of us who love to travel, why not scrub up on the local lingo of your next destination.  It may be awhile before we can travel again so you have plenty of time to practice.

Duolingo combines free learning with an online game. It can help you learn to read, write, listen and speak your choice of more than 100 languages and its makers claim that 34 hours of Duolingo lessons are equal to one semester at university. 

5. Make the most of YouTube

YouTube isn’t just for funny cat videos. Whether you want to learn to sing, improve your photography skills or make a table from scrap timber, there’s a YouTube tutorial for that. A great way to learn new tricks with the ability to pause and rewind.

If you have any other ideas, please feel free to share with the Muirfield team. We love hearing what you are all up to!

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1 Comment

  1. Chris Londish on April 16, 2020 at 6:02 pm

    I’ve been giving YouTube a bashing everything from comedy to war history

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