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2013 Winter eNews

Frosty mornings, bright lights and a new financial year

Muirfield FS ImageWinter is well upon us and if you are like most in our part of the world, you are probably still trying hard to adjust to the frosty mornings and a lack of sleep from watching sporting events like Wimbeldon and the Tour de France. If you concentrate on southern hemisphere sport  then perhaps you have enjoyed the spectacle of night matches in Geelong, courtesy of the new bright lights at Skilled Stadium.

On the financial front, entering a new financial year is a good chance to reflect on the year that was.  In our 2012 Winter Newsletter we wrote “Let me go out on a limb ……… I believe the sharemarket will recover this year”.

Indeed, the sharemarket has enjoyed a good recovery over the past 12 months with the All Ordinaries index up 19% since that statement. It is pleasing to see this increase flow through to our client portfolios.
It is also a great time to reflect on what is really important as an investor.  For most people approaching retirement, or already in retirement, income is the most important consideration.  Great as it is to see the capital value of investments increase, this is somewhat less important than the income generated by your investments.
We thought this video by Paul Clitheroe, director at iPac Securities, summed up the importance of income very well.


2013-newsClick here to read the 2013 Winter Newsletter

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